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Pannon Fine Food Ltd. (HU-1182 EK) is a 100% Hungarian firm. The owners are major players of the Hungarian poultry industry, having several decades of expertise in the fields of livestock commerce and management.
Our main activity is the primary processing of fatty geese and ducks, which we do in the department of Békés, a southern region of the country where force-feeding has long traditions. Our processing plant in Orosháza is one of the elders in our country, and was founded in 1896 by the Bernardinelli, an Italian family.
The quality of our products is primarily ensured by our producers: they are providing us with a raw material of quality while fulfilling the highest standards of animal welfare. We process our raw materials using the latest technology, thus meeting the market’s expectations.
As an old yet still new member in the fatty waterflow industry, our goal for the future is to increase our presence on the market, whishing to acquire a stable position throughout dedicated work and a variety of quality products.

We are certified for the following:

Tel: +36 68 411 100
Fax: +36 68 999 635

8, Október 6. Street,